The PubChemQC Project

Copyright © 2013-2023 NAKATA Maho, MAEDA Toshiyuki, SHIMAZAKI Tomomi, HASHIMOTO Masatomo


2023-8: The paper for the PubChemQC B3LYP/6-31G*//PM6 datastes (86 million mols.) has been published
2023-5-31: PubChemQC B3LYP/6-31G*//PM6 datastes (86 million mols.) have been released.
2022-8-4: has been temporally moved to
2022-3-23: pubchemqc_jcim2017_jsons.10150017a15274edd1e5ed06ad5831de.tar.gz JSON files for PubChemQC JCIM 2017. It does include all the properties but not the basis set information nor MO-AO matrix are included.
2021-8-20: The PubChemQC PM6 ver.2.0.0 is released. Docker images using Postgrest for databases are available from this version and you can query molecules using these.
2021-7-20: We uploaded a docker image of PubChemQC (JCIM 2017 B3LYP) database. You can download from here.
2020-10: Our new paper has been published:PubChemQC PM6: Data Sets of 221 Million Molecules with Optimized Molecular Geometries and Electronic Properties
2020-09-03, 2020-09-07: The whole B3LYP dataset is now avaiable on Google Drive (2.0TB) and splitted by CID 25k ranges. Includes GAMESS inputfiles and output files. We strongly suggest use of rclone to download the file.
2020-08: The PubChemQC PM6 datasets are now available.These data contain PM6 optimized structures for neutral, spin flippled, cation and anion states of molecules in PubChem

Datasets download

Molecule Query

Please use The Public Computational Chemistry Database Project, our web interface to pubchemqc dataset.



Calculation conditions

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