Copyright © 2019,2020 Nakata Maho, RIKEN
The PubChemQC PM6 datasets are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Notice: These scripts are just for reference and heavily depends on our compuater environment, and settings. Users may want to rewrite by referencing following scripts.
Download:pm6/pubchem/ ...checks results at work directory pm6/pubchem/ ...Do the calculation for one molecule pm6/pubchem/ ...It manages one chunk of CIDs. pm6/pubchem/ failed molecules for each chunks. pm6/pubchem/ ...calls for each Compund_XXXXX.sdf.tar.gz pm6/pubchem/ ...reads one sdf and output CID, INCHI, SMILES, MW etc. pm6/pubchem/ ...resubmit job to super computer pm6/pubchem/ ...Show current total CPU usage at supercompter pm6/pubchem/ ...plot daily status pm6/pubchem/ ...submit script for RIKEN supercomputers pm6/ ...environment settings installation scripts (original packages are not included) pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/ pm6/setup/